Women's/girls coaching weekend with Helen Gaskell at Hamsterley Forest, County Durham. (Pic: left is Helen Gaskell) 17th - 18th November 2007. Only £40 for self catering forest lodge accommodation for both Friday & Saturday nights. (it's really like a massive bunk house though and you'll be in a bunk bed, sharing a dorm with other girls). Up-lift and coaching with our world class 5th ranking, Helen Gaskell. Coaching sessions, including jumping techniques and drops, racing tips, 4x and general downhill techniques. Myself, Panther, Rockmonkey C and Dirtmonkey Y did the same course last year with Helen Gaskell and Rachel Atherton. It was great fun and we did learn a great deal and the fact that I got my very worst injury on that weekend brings home just how dangerous and crazy our sport is. However, that's why our professionals run these courses and we should all give thanks to Helen Gaskell for her time. Believe me, she's not making much out of the weekend. You also get your lunch at the hut in the forest thrown in to. Plus there is a free lift to the pub and back in the evenings. Big thanks to Helen and also to the organiser Kim Bent, who also is involved in the coaching and training on the weekend. Well done ladies!
Flying Chick's injury at Hamsterley March 2006. Keep that front wheel up! or else! My leg got trapped within the frame of my bike on impact so the massive bruise goes all the way around.
The only bad injury is where I didn't have body armour on my leg. I also had impact bruises under my armour. Out of action for 3 months and several hospital visits for physiotherapy and deep heat treatment.